Excessive Clear Vaginal Discharge

Excessive clear vaginal discharge is vaginal fluid that is flowing out non-stop. 

It is normal to have a moderate amount of vaginal discharge. About 1-2 teaspoonfuls a day, which is enough to moisten and lubricate the vagina.  This amount may vary slightly for each individual.

So, how do you distinguish between normal and abnormal white vaginal discharge?

Normal  Excessive Clear Vaginal Discharge

The following conditions may produce heavy vaginal discharge. It is normal if it is not disease related and its occurrence is temporary.

Ovulation - Ovulation is part of your menstrual cycle. Before ovulation (i.e. the release of the egg) there is more mucus produced, up to thirty times more than after ovulation. The excess vagina discharge is more watery and stretchy. During this phase you might need to wear panty liners.

Pre-menstrualvaginal discharge may increase 1 or 2 days before the onset of your period.

Pregnancy –  Normal vagina discharge during pregnancy is called leukorrhea. The discharge is thin, white, milky and mild smelling. Cervical ectropion may also be the cause of excess clear discharge during pregnancy. 

Post natal –  It is normal to have reddish, pinkish vaginal discharge for the first six weeks after the birth of the baby. This discharge is blood, mucus and sloughed-off tissue from the endometrium.

LactationVaginal discharge may increase during breast feeding.

Sexual excitement  – There is an increase in vaginal secretions during foreplay and sexual intercourse. This helps in vaginal lubrication which makes sex pleasurable for both partners.

Pre-pubertyVaginal estrogen levels goes up during the on-set of puberty resulting in more vaginal discharge.

New born baby girlA new born baby girl may have excessive discharge or abnormal vaginal bleeding for the first few days. This is due to the effect of the mother's estrogen. As the estrogen level in the new born falls this discharge tapers off and then stops altogether.

Emotional stress - Stress can have an effect on vaginal discharge.

Oral contraceptives - Excessive clear vaginal discharge is also common in women who are on the pill. This is due to cervical ectropion.(Refer to explanation below)

Cervical Ectropion

**Cervical ectropion is a condition whereby the hole in the cervix, (where the menstrual blood flows out from the uterus (womb) into the vagina) is lined with columnar cells not only inside of the hole but also around the outside of it.

And it is the columnar cells outside of the hole that cause the excessive vaginal discharge. These columnar ectropion cells are most common in women on the contraceptive pill or during pregnancy. They are not cancerous or pre-cancerous.**

(Reference : Guy's and St. Thomas')

Effects of Normal Excessive Vaginal Discharge 

Constant wetness down there is very uncomfortable. Other than that, it can disrupt a woman’s daily life too.

  • It interrupts her daily routine as she has to change underwear often. Or you have to wear panty liners all the time, which can cause vaginal infection.
  • Without panty liners it becomes a social embarrassment. The excessive vaginal discharge wets and soils her clothing, which, of course is very awkward!
  • A too wet vagina makes sexual intercourse messy and not pleasurable. It is frustrating when the penis keep slipping out. It kills the enjoyment for both partners!
  • It makes oral sex almost impossible. It is a great turn-off for your partner to go down on you.

If excessive clear vaginal discharge is not frequent, it should not be a cause for concern.

But, if you have excess discharge all the time and is not infection related, this vagina wand/virgin stick is effective. You can get rid of the excessive wetness by inserting the wand into the vagina 3 to 4 times a week.

Besides restoring your discharge to a  normal level, this wand tightens the vagina within 15 -20 minutes after inserting into the vagina.

  • You just need to insert about 3/4 of the wand inside the vagina 15-20 minutes before making love. 
  • Move the wand inside the vagina for 2-3 minutes and withdraw it.
  • You can feel the instant tightness.

Your man will go crazy! Both of you will have great sex again!

Continue reading vaginal tightening wand

10% off for 2 vagina wands

Abnormal  Excessive Vaginal Discharge

The following scenario can cause excessive vaginal discharge which is not normal. There is also vaginal itching, swelling, redness in the vulva and skin lesions.

  • Bacterial vaginosis (BV) – (greyish, fishy smell discharge).
  • Vaginal yeast infection (abnormal clumpy discharge, like cottage-cheese).
  • Trichomoniasis (frothy greenish vaginal discharge).
  • Cervicitis - the inflammation of the cervix. The causes of which are STIs and birth control devices such as diaphragm and cervical caps.

If you have one or more of the above symptoms, see your gynecologist soonest possible.

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