Boil on Vagina Lip 

Boil on vagina lip aka skin abscess are localized infections deep in the skin. They start as reddened tender bumps near the labia (the outer part of the vagina).

Soon they develop into a firm, hard, inflamed lump or boil. There are bacteria-fighting white blood cells and dead skin tissue (pus) inside these lumps. The affected area usually gets larger and more painful until the boil bursts and the pus drains out.

Some boils on the vagina lip disappear within a few days. But many can take up to two weeks to heal and they can be very painful.

Symptoms of vagina boils are:-

  • skin that is hot to the touch.
  • pain in the area of the boil.
  • a white head on the boil and swelling.

Causes of Boil on Vagina Lip

Causes of boils inside/outside of the vagina or on other parts of the body :-

Excess production of sebum - Excess sebum plugs up the oil glands, trapping bacteria inside it.  A boil forms when the bacteria infects the sacs that contain the roots of hair follicle and oil glands .

Ingrown hair - This happens when pores injured by shaving starts to heal. When the pores shut during healing, hair follicles and bacteria got trapped inside. The bacteria inside attack the enclosed area giving rise to painful boils.

Cuts and bruises - Too tight underwear can cut and scrape the groin area. When they are infected they become abscesses filled with pus (boils) in the skin folds of the groin area.

Toxins in the body -  Pollution, smoking, oily foods, unhealthy eating habits and stress can result in build up of toxins in the body. These toxins will surface as boils and pimples. Not only as boil on vagina lip but other parts of the body as well.

Get Rid of Toxins In The Body

Incomplete removal of faecal waste from the colon is the main cause of accumulation of toxins in the body. 

Regular bowel movement does not necessarily means that the body particularly the colon is free from toxins.

As food moves through the intestines, bits remains and clung onto the intestinal walls and decompose. Over the years, these “leftovers” become stubborn, mucus-like plaques. They begin to clog up the small intestines and colon.

When faecal waste stays in the colon, it becomes toxic and releases the toxins into the bloodstream. These toxins surfaced as boil on vagina lip and pimples. Apart from that toxins cause weight gain and waer retention.

To prevent boils near vagina and pimples we need to dislodge the accumulated toxic wastes from the colon.

Prevention for boil on vagina lipColon Cleanse supplement

Colon Cleanse is a supplement that can remove the build-up of toxic waste through regular and complete bowel movement. It helps in  weight loss and prevent the occurrence of boil on the vagina or labia.

Buy 2 colon cleanse for $75, 3 for $105

Preventing Boil on Vagina Lip

Good vaginal hygiene can reduce the occurrence of boils, bumps and pimples in vaginal area. It reduce the risk of vaginal infections, itching and smelly vaginal odor too.

Tips on good vaginal cleanliness:-

  • Bathe twice a day. Wash the body with an anti-bacterial soap. And cleanse vaginal area with kacip fatimah herbal feminine wash
  • Scrub the body with a body scrub every 2 or 3 days. This helps to break up oil plugs that build up around hair follicles and skin glands.
  • Change out of sweaty clothes and bathe immediately after exercising. Do not re-wear exercise clothes without washing them.
  • Eat a well balanced diet to prevent the accumulation of toxins in the body. Have 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables and drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.

Treatment for Vaginal Boils

  1. You can apply a warm compress on boils on vagina lips. This relieves the discomfort and will speed up the healing process.
  2. If the boil is inside the vagina, sitting in a sitz bath can reduce the pain.

Learn how to prepare a sitz bath here.

herbal treatment for boil on vagina lip and inside the vaginaManjakani Gel

Or you can treat boil on vagina lip by applying this Manjakani gel on the inflamed area. 

This gel contains natural Manjakani (oakgall) and Pueraria Mirirfica extracts.

Manjakani has strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Just pump 2 to 3 drops of this gel on your index finger. Then dab it on boils outside and inside the vagina.

Besides treating boils inside the vagina, this gel tightens and moisturize the vagina for pleasurable sex.

See its other benefits - here.

Discount 5% for 2, 10% for 3

Home Remedies for Vaginal Boil

home remedies for vagina boils, turmeric for treating genital boils,

The following home remedies are effective for treating an inflamed boil. The main ingredient is turmeric as it is an excellent herb that promotes natural healing.

Make a paste with 1 teaspoon of milk;  1/2  teaspoon vinegar and a pinch of salt and turmeric. Apply this paste on to the boil and cover the area with gauze for about half an hour.

You can also make a paste by mixing 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder with 1 tablespoon of mustard oil. Heat the mixture gently. Apply the cooled paste on the genital boil and cover it with gauze. Apply twice a day. Change the gauze after each application.

Crush a small onion coarsely. Mix in a pinch of turmeric powder, 1/2 teaspoon wheat flour and ½ teaspoon olive oil.  Heat the mixture gently. Apply the cooled poultice on the boil. It will help to drain out the pus from painful boils without surgery.

For best results use any of the above home treatments continuously for 3-4 days. 

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